???label.profesorado.ensenyament??? | ???label.profesorado.curso??? | ???label.profesorado.asignatura??? |
PARS Enginyeries Industrials | 2 | ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING BASICS |
PARS Enginyeries Industrials | 2 | ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING BASICS |
Doble titulació: Eng Mecànica i Eng. de l'Energia i Sostenibilitat | 2 | ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING BASICS |
Doble titulació: Eng Mecànica i Eng. de l'Energia i Sostenibilitat | 2 | ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING BASICS |
Degree in Mechanical Engineering | 2 | ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING BASICS |
Degree in Mechanical Engineering | 2 | ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING BASICS |
Degree in Industrial Electronic and Automation Engineering | 2 | ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING BASICS |
Degree in Industrial Electronic and Automation Engineering | 2 | ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING BASICS |
Degree in Energy and Sustainability Engineering | 2 | ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING BASICS |
Degree in Energy and Sustainability Engineering | 2 | ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING BASICS |
Common branch in industrial engineering programs - Lleida | 2 | ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING BASICS |
Common branch in industrial engineering programs - Lleida | 2 | ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING BASICS |
Degree in Industrial Electronic and Automation Engineering | 3 | CONTROL AND ROBOTICS SYSTEMS DESIGN |
Degree in Industrial Electronic and Automation Engineering | 4 | BACHELOR'S THESIS |
???label.profesorado.recerca.publicaciones??? | ???label.profesorado.recerca.any??? | ???label.profesorado.recerca.autors??? | ???label.profesorado.recerca.tipus??? |
Assistant Personal Robot (APR): Conception and application of a tele-operated assisted living robot | 2016 | Clotet, E.; Martínez, D.; Moreno, J.; Tresanchez, M.; Palacín, J. | Article d'investigació |
Development of a high mobility assistant personal robot for home operation | 2015 | Clotet, E.; Martínez, D.; Moreno, J.; Tresanchez, M.; Palacín, J.; | Article d'investigació |
Collision avoidance system with deceleration control applied to an Assistant Personal Robot | 2015 | Clotet, E.; Martínez, D.; Moreno, J.; Tresanchez, M.; Palacín, J | Article d'investigació |
Vineyard Yield Estimation Based on the Analysis of High Resolution Images Obtained with Artificial Illumination at Night | 2015 | Font, D.; Tresanchez, M.; Martínez, D.; Moreno, J.; Clotet, E.; Palacín, J.; | Article d'investigació |
Outdoor Robotic Companion Based on a Google AndroidTM Smartphone and GPS Guidance | 2014 | E. Clotet; D. Martínez; J. Moreno; M. Tresanchez; T. Pallejà; D. Font; M. Teixidó; J. Palacin | Article d'investigació |