???option.TituloSitioWeb.grado??? en Enginyeria de l'Energia i Sostenibilitat


???label.profesorado.categoria???: AGREGAT/ADA
???label.profesorado.perfil???: Doctorat
???label.profesorado.departamento???: QUÍMICA, FÍSICA, CIÈNCIES AMBIENTALS I DEL SÒL
???label.profesorado.email???: chrys.lamnatou@udl.cat


???label.profesorado.ensenyament??? ???label.profesorado.curso??? ???label.profesorado.asignatura???
Tronc comú de les enginyeries industrials - Lleida 2 TECNOLOGIES DEL MEDI AMBIENT I SOSTENIBILITAT
Grau en Enginyeria Electrònica Industrial i Automàtica - UdL 2 TECNOLOGIES DEL MEDI AMBIENT I SOSTENIBILITAT
Grau en Enginyeria de l'Energia i Sostenibilitat - UdL 2 TECNOLOGIES DEL MEDI AMBIENT I SOSTENIBILITAT
Doble titulació: Grau en Eng. Mecànica i Eng. de l'Energia i Sostenibilitat 2 TECNOLOGIES DEL MEDI AMBIENT I SOSTENIBILITAT
Grau en Enginyeria de l'Energia i Sostenibilitat - UdL 3 GESTIÓ MEDIAMBIENTAL DE LES INSTAL·LACIONS ENERGÈTIQUES
Doble titulació: Grau en Eng. Mecànica i Eng. de l'Energia i Sostenibilitat 4 GESTIÓ MEDIAMBIENTAL DE LES INSTAL·LACIONS ENERGÈTIQUES


???label.profesorado.recerca.grupo???: Sistemes Dinàmics Aplicats en Energia Solar
???label.profesorado.recerca.proyectos??? ???label.profesorado.recerca.proyectos.dataInici??? ???label.profesorado.recerca.proyectos.dataFi??? ???label.profesorado.recerca.proyectos.investigadors???
Miliconcentradores dieléctricos multifase para integración arquitectónica en fachada de sistemas solares híbridos 01/01/2014 30/06/2017 DANIEL CHEMISANA VILLEGAS
Un ecosistema innovador per a un sector agroalimentari intel·ligent. INNO4AGRO: Energia 01/01/2017 31/12/2021 DANIEL CHEMISANA VILLEGAS, UNIVERSITAT DE LLEIDA
Dynamic Semitransparent Crop-Integrated Photovoltaic 01/02/2024 31/07/2024 DANIEL CHEMISANA VILLEGAS
Concentradores solares inteligentes integrados arquitectónicamente para edificios de consumo cero. 01/06/2020 30/11/2023 DANIEL CHEMISANA VILLEGAS
Guíado óptico y selección espectral para sistemas solares integrados en edificios 01/09/2023 31/08/2026 DANIEL CHEMISANA VILLEGAS, CHRYSOVALANTOU LAMNATOU
Gestión y Conversión Fotónica para Edificios Sostenibles 01/12/2022 31/05/2025 DANIEL CHEMISANA VILLEGAS
Concentradors fotovoltaics hologràfics integrats en edificis per generació d'electricitat i control lumínic (HOLOBIPV) 23/07/2020 22/04/2021 DANIEL CHEMISANA VILLEGAS
Agricultural Smart Flexible Photonic System 27/09/2024 02/06/2026 DANIEL CHEMISANA VILLEGAS
Concentradores solares híbridos térmico-fotovoltaicos de selección espectral para integración en edificios (SECONPVT) 30/12/2016 31/12/2020 DANIEL CHEMISANA VILLEGAS
???label.profesorado.recerca.tesis??? ???label.profesorado.recerca.any??? ???label.profesorado.recerca.direccio???
Development and energetic optimization of an autonomous, solar-assisted dryer for agricultural products 2010 Kyriakis N
???label.profesorado.recerca.publicaciones??? ???label.profesorado.recerca.any??? ???label.profesorado.recerca.autors??? ???label.profesorado.recerca.tipus???
Renewable energy sources as a catalyst for energy transition: Technological innovations and an example of the energy transition in France 2024 Lamnatou, Chr.; Cristofari, C.; Chemisana, D. Review
Life-cycle assessment of solar façades - The role of ethylene tetrafluoroethylene in building-integrated applications 2024 Lamnatou, Chr.; Moreno, A.; Chemisana, D.; Riverola, A.; Solans, A. Article d'investigació
Fabrication and performance evaluation of a directly immersed Photovoltaic-Thermal concentrator for building integration 2024 Riverola, A.; Chemisana, D.; Moreno, Á.; Lamnatou, Chr.; Solans, A. Article d'investigació
Photovoltaic/wind hybrid systems: Smart technologies, materials and avoided environmental impacts considering the Spanish electricity mix 2024 Lamnatou, Chr.; Cristofari, C.; Chemisana, D. Article d'investigació
Artificial Intelligence (AI) in relation to environmental life-cycle assessment, photovoltaics, smart grids and small-island economies 2024 Lamnatou, Chr.; Cristofari, C.; Chemisana, D. Review
Energy and photosynthetic performance investigation of a semitransparent photovoltaic rooftop greenhouse for building integration 2023 Moreno, Á.; Chemisana, D.; Lamnatou, C.; Maestro, S. Article d'investigació
Photovoltaic power plants with hydraulic storage: Life-cycle assessment focusing on energy payback time and greenhouse-gas emissions - A case study in Spain 2023 Lamnatou, Chr.; Guignard, N.; Chemisana, D.; Cristofari, C.; Debusschere, V. Article d'investigació
Photovoltaics for buildings and greenhouses: Organic solar cells and other technologies 2023 Lamnatou, Chr.; Chemisana, D. Article d'investigació
Smart grids and smart technologies in relation to photovoltaics, storage systems, buildings and the environment 2022 Lamnatou, Chr..; Chemisana, D.; Cristofari, C. Review
Solar thermal systems for sustainable buildings and climate change mitigation: Recycling, storage and avoided environmental impacts based on different electricity mixes 2022 Lamnatou, Chr.; Chemisana, D. Article d'investigació
Life cycle assessment (LCA) of a food-production system in Spain: Iberian ham - an extensive system. 2022 Lamnatou, C.; Ezcurra Ciaurriz, X.; Chemisana, D.; Pla Aragones, L.M. Article d'investigació
Photovoltaic/thermal systems based on concentrating and non-concentrating technologies: Working fluids at low, medium and high temperatures 2021 Lamnatou, C.; Vaillon, R.; Parola, S.; Chemisana, D. Review
Solar Cells Operating under Thermal Stress 2020 Vaillon, Rodolphe; Parola, Stéphanie; Lamnatou, Chrysovalantou; Chemisana, Daniel Review
Storage systems for building-integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) and building-integrated photovoltaic/thermal (BIPVT) installations: Environmental profile and other aspects 2020 Lamnatou, C., Notton, G., Chemisana, D., Cristofari, C. Review
Building-Integrated Photovoltaic/Thermal (BIPVT): LCA of a façade-integrated prototype and issues about human health, ecosystems, resources 2019 Lamnatou, C., Smyth, M., Chemisana, D. Article d'investigació
Life-cycle assessment of photovoltaic systems 2019 Cryssa Lamnatou; Daniel Chemisana Capítol de llibre d'investigació
Numerical study of PCM integration impact on overall performances of a highly building-integrated solar collector 2019 Motte, F.; Notton, G.; Lamnatou, Chr.; Cristofari, C.; Chemisana, D. Article d'investigació
Performance and stability of semitransparent OPVs for building integration: A benchmarking analysis 2019 Chemisana, D.; Moreno, A.; Polo, M.; Aranda, C.; Riverola, A.; Ortega, E.; Lamnatou, Chr.; Domènech, A.; Blanco, G.; Cot, A. Article d'investigació
Biogas production by means of an anaerobic-digestion plant in France: LCA of greenhouse-gas emissions and other environmental indicators 2019 Lamnatou, C., Nicolaï, R., Chemisana, D., Cristofari, C., Cancellieri, D. Article d'investigació
Payback times and multiple midpoint/endpoint impact categories about Building-Integrated Solar Thermal (BIST) collectors 2019 Lamnatou, C., Cristofari, C., Chemisana, D., Canaletti, J.L. Article d'investigació
Ethylene tetrafluoroethylene (ETFE) material: Critical issues and applications with emphasis on buildings 2018 Lamnatou, C.; Moreno, A.; Chemisana, D.; Reitsma, F.; Clariá, F. Review
Concentrating photovoltaic/thermal system with thermal and electricity storage: CO2.eq emissions and multiple environmental indicators 2018 Lamnatou, C., Lecoeuvre, B., Chemisana, D., Cristofari, C., Canaletti, J.L. Article d'investigació
Cumulative energy demand and global warming potential of a building-integrated solar thermal system with/without phase change material 2018 Chr. Lamnatou, F. Motte, G. Notton, D. Chemisana, C. Cristofari Article d'investigació
Building-integrated solar thermal system with/without phase change material: Life cycle assessment based on ReCiPe, USEtox and Ecological footprint 2018 Lamnatou, C., Motte, F., Notton, G., Chemisana, D., Cristofari, C. Article d'investigació
Modelling and performance analysis of building integrated solar thermal (BIST) systems 2017 Lamnatou Chr, Farkas I, Zacharopoulos A, Buonomano A, Palombo A, Chemisana D Capítol de llibre d'investigació
Dielectric-based 3D building-integrated concentrating photovoltaic modules: An environmental life-cycle assessment 2017 Lamnatou,C., Baig,H., Chemisana,D., Mallick,T. K Article d'investigació
Life cycle assessment (LCA) and environmental issues about building-integrated solar thermal systems 2017 Lamnatou Chr, Chemisana D Capítol de llibre d'investigació
Concentrating solar systems: Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and environmental issues 2017 Lamnatou, C., Chemisana, D. Review
Photovoltaic/thermal (PVT) systems: A review with emphasis on environmental issues 2017 Lamnatou,C. and Chemisana,D. Review
Building-integrated solar thermal systems based on vacuum-tube technology: Critical factors focusing on life-cycle environmental profile 2016 Lamnatou, Chr.; Cristofari, C.; Chemisana, D.; Canaletti, J.L. Review
Environmental assessment of a building-integrated linear dielectric-based concentrating photovoltaic according to multiple life-cycle indicators 2016 Lamnatou, Chr.; Baig, H.; Chemisana, D.; Mallick, T.K. Article d'investigació
Photovoltaic-Green Roofs: Critical Factors, Experimental Studies and Life-Cycle Environmental Profile 2016 Lamnatou, Chr.; Chemisana, D Capítol de llibre d'investigació
Experimental performance of a fresnel-transmission pvt concentrator for building-façade integration 2016 Chemisana, D.; Rosell, J.I.; Riverola, A. ;Lamnatou, Chr. Article d'investigació
Environmental assessment of a pork-production system in North-East of Spain focusing on life-cycle swine nutrition 2016 Lamnatou, Chr.; Ezcurra-Ciaurriz, X.; Chemisana, D.; Plà-Aragonés, LM. Article d'investigació
Modelling and simulation of Building-Integrated solar thermal systems: Behaviour of the coupled building/system configuration 2015 Lamnatou, C.; Mondol, J.D.; Chemisana, D.; Maurer, C. Review
A critical analysis of factors affecting photovoltaic-green roof performance 2015 Lamnatou, C., Chemisana, D. Review
Modelling and simulation of Building-Integrated solar thermal systems: Behaviour of the system 2015 Lamnatou, C.; Mondol, J.D.; Chemisana, D.; Maurer, C. Review
The environmental performance of a building-integrated solar thermal collector, based on multiple approaches and life-cycle impact assessment methodologies 2015 Lamnatou, C.; Notton, G.; Chemisana, D.; Cristofari, C. Article d'investigació
Life cycle energy analysis and embodied carbon of a linear dielectric-based concentrating photovoltaic appropriate for building-integrated applications 2015 Lamnatou, C.; Baig, H.; Chemisana, D.; Mallick, T.K. Article d'investigació
Evaluation of photovoltaic-green and other roofing systems by means of ReCiPe and multiple life cycle-based environmental indicators 2015 Lamnatou, C.; Chemisana, D. Article d'investigació
Review and perspectives on Life Cycle Analysis of solar technologies with emphasis on Building-Integrated solar thermal systems 2015 Lamnatou, CHR.; Chemisana, D.; Mateus, R.; Almeida, MG.; Silva SM. Review
State of the art on Building Integrated Solar Thermal Systems 2015 Aelenei L.; Almeida M.; Buhagiar V.; Chemisana D.; Chwieduk D.; Florides G.; Kalogirou S.; Kennedy D.; Krstic-Furundzic A.; Lamnatou Chr.; Mateus R.; Silva S.M., et al. Capítol de llibre d'investigació
Modelling and simulation of building integrated solar thermal systems 2015 Lamnatou, C.; Mondol, J.; Gosh, A.; Nikolic, D.; Bojic, M.; Kalogirou, S.; Chemisana, D. Capítol de llibre d'investigació
Photovoltaic-green roofs: A life cycle assessment approach with emphasis on warm months of Mediterranean climate 2014 Chr. Lamnatou & D. Chemisana Article d'investigació
Photovoltaic-green roofs: An experimental evaluation of system performance 2014 D. Chemisana & Chr. Lamnatou Article d'investigació
Life cycle analysis of a building-integrated solar thermal collector, based on embodied energy and embodied carbon methodologies 2014 Chr. Lamnatou, G. Notton, D. Chemisana, C. Cristofari Article d'investigació
Solar radiation manipulations and their role in greenhouse claddings: Fluorescent solar concentrators, photoselective and other materials 2013 Lamnatou, C., Chemisana, D. Article d'investigació
Experimental investigation and thermodynamic performance analysis of a solar dryer using an evacuated-tube air collector 2012 Lamnatou Chr; Papanicolaou E; Belessiotis V; Kyriakis N Article d'investigació
The effect of Fresnel lens-solar absorber systems in Greenhouses 2012 Chemisana D; Lamnatou Chr; Tripanagnostopoulos Y Article d'investigació
Solar radiation manipulations and their role in greenhouse claddings: Fresnel lenses, NIR- and UV-blocking materials 2012 Lamnatou, C., Chemisana, D. Article d'investigació
Numerical study of the interaction among a pair of blunt plates subject to convective drying - A conjugate approach 2010 Lamnatou Chr, Papanicolaou E, Belessiotis V, Kyriakis N Article d'investigació
Finite-volume modelling of heat and mass transfer during convective drying of porous bodies - Non-conjugate and conjugate formulations involving the aerodynamic effects 2010 Lamnatou Chr, Papanicolaou E, Belessiotis V, Kyriakis N Article d'investigació
Conjugate Heat and Mass Transfer from a Drying Rectangular Cylinder in Confined Air Flow 2009 Lamnatou Chr, Papanicolaou E, Belessiotis V, Kyriakis N Article d'investigació